Monday, May 13, 2013


Last week the temperatures here ran in the 80's. Although that is not too hot, by afternoon our little mobile home was a sauna. I did my best to cool the place with open windows and fans. I was holding the fort until it was time to cook dinner. Amid the scent of frying burgers and the heat from the stove, all my cooling progress was lost.

Today began with a brisk breeze coming in our windows and an overcast sky, a promise of a cooler day. Just when I think I will have to resign myself to living in the heat, a cool day comes to freshen the land and my spirits.

Thats's when I thought of balance. My boyfriend tells me, "No one can be bad all the time, and no one can be good all the time. Therefore, perfection is not being a certain way all the time but rather being balanced. Balance is perfection." I remembered his wise words this morning when I saw even nature follows the pull of balance.

Today I meditate on:
When my life is following a pattern I do not like, relax and let the gravitational pull of balance make things right again. Open my mind and heart to opportunities that will lead me back to a balanced life. Don't obsess about being perfectly balanced. Only an inanimate object can maintain perfect balance, but I am very much alive. I celebrate my life and its imperfections, for, together, these imperfections create balance. And balance is perfection.

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